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Nolan Gray

A Modern History Of Japan From Tokugawa Times To The Present Pdf Download


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_OC_InitNavbar("child_node":["title":"My library","url":" =114584440181414684107\u0026source=gbs_lp_bookshelf_list","id":"my_library","collapsed":true,"title":"My History","url":"","id":"my_history","collapsed":true,"title":"Books on Google Play","url":" ","id":"ebookstore","collapsed":true],"highlighted_node_id":"");A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the PresentAndrew GordonOxford University Press, 2009 - History - 400 pages 1 ReviewReviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identifiedA Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present, Second Edition, paints a richly nuanced and strikingly original portrait of the last two centuries of Japanese history. It takes students from the days of the shogunate--the feudal overlordship of the Tokugawa family--through the modernizing revolution launched by midlevel samurai in the late nineteenth century; the adoption of Western hairstyles, clothing, and military organization; and the nation's first experiments with mass democracy after World War I. Author Andrew Gordon offers the finest synthesis to date of Japan's passage through militarism, World War II, the American occupation, and the subsequent economic rollercoaster. The true ingenuity and value of Gordon's approach lies in his close attention to the non-elite layers of society. Here students will see the influence of outside ideas, products, and culture on home life, labor unions, political parties, gender relations, and popular entertainment. The book examines Japan's struggles to define the meaning of its modernization, from villages and urban neighborhoods, to factory floors and middle managers' offices, to the imperial court. Most importantly, it illuminates the interconnectedness of Japanese developments with world history, demonstrating how Japan's historical passage represents a variation of a process experienced by many nations and showing how the Japanese narrative forms one part of the interwoven fabric of modern history. This second edition incorporates increased coverage of both Japan's role within East Asia--particularly with China, Korea, and Manchuria--as well as expanded discussions of cultural and intellectual history. With a sustained focus on setting modern Japan in a comparative and global context, A Modern History of Japan, Second Edition, is ideal for undergraduate courses in modern Japanese history, Japanese politics, Japanese society, or Japanese culture. What people are saying - Write a reviewReviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identifiedLibraryThing ReviewUser Review - gottfried_leibniz - LibraryThingA thorough well written book on Japan from Tokugawa Shogunate until 1990s. I think I was surprised by the amount of change in Japan from 1860's - 1880's. Japan transformed from Feudal state into ... Read full review

a modern history of japan from tokugawa times to the present pdf download


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_OC_InitNavbar("child_node":["title":"My library","url":" =114584440181414684107\u0026source=gbs_lp_bookshelf_list","id":"my_library","collapsed":true,"title":"My History","url":"","id":"my_history","collapsed":true,"title":"Books on Google Play","url":" ","id":"ebookstore","collapsed":true],"highlighted_node_id":"");A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the PresentAndrew GordonOxford University Press, 2014 - History - 417 pages 2 ReviewsReviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identifiedA Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present, Third Edition, paints a richly nuanced and strikingly original portrait of the last two centuries of Japanese history. It takes students from the days of the shogunate--the feudal overlordship of the Tokugawa family--through themodernizing revolution launched by midlevel samurai in the late nineteenth century; the adoption of Western hairstyles, clothing, and military organization; and the nation's first experiments with mass democracy after World War I. Author Andrew Gordon offers the finest synthesis to date of Japan'spassage through militarism, World War II, the American occupation, and the subsequent economic rollercoaster. New to the Third Edition * The previous edition's final chapter has been extensively revised for the third edition. Retitled "Japan's 'Lost Decades", it now covers the timespan from 1989 through 2008.* An entirely new final chapter examines Japan's tumultuous recent history in a global context. Beginning with the financial crisis of 2008, it takes readers up to the traumatic events of 3/11/11, and through the aftermath of this disaster. The chapter includes a color insert with maps andphotographs that document the cataclysm.* More "voices" of ordinary people integrated into the narrative* Increased coverage of cultural history topics, such as anime and manga What people are saying - Write a reviewReviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identifiedUser Review - Flag as inappropriateA lot of research has gone into this book. However, I expected a more in depth explanation on the uniqueness of japan's success and failure, why the japanese did such horrible things to the rest of asia, the loyalty etc. I found the post war japanese politics, change of prime minister rather repetitive n boring.

These resources lean towards sources for the era from 1868 to the modern day. The modern history of Japan is categorized in different timelines depending on the perspective, in some from 1868 onwards, in others from 1912 to the present, and in others from after World War II.


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