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Ezekiel White

Where To Buy Singapore Math

Invite a professional Singapore math teacher into your home classroom. This subscription of pre-recorded lessons covers all Textbook and Workbook material for an entire school year and can be done at your own pace.

where to buy singapore math

Singapore Math also uses hands-on materials and pictures to help children tackle an often-difficult part of elementary math: word problems. The program presents a greater variety of word problems than most other elementary math programs and teaches kids to apply their math skills to a wide variety of situations. Once children reach the third- and fourth-grade level books, they learn to draw bar models to represent and solve word problems. These models help prepare them for algebra and think about the structure of problems beyond the surface level.

Enter your email below to download your printable guide to using Singapore Math. It includes more details on supplemental books for Singapore, plus advice on how to tackle word problems and mental math.

Lola, it depends a lot on your child. The textbooks do provide quite a few exercises, along with some review pages, so it might be enough for a child who gets math quickly. But many children need the extra practice that the workbooks provide to completely master the topics.

Hi how will I know which grade Singapore mathematics I have to buy for my daughter is 7 years old in US curriculum for grade 2 and Singapore curriculum grade 2 equal ? For example British curriculum grade 2 is equal to American curriculum grade 1.

My daughter is in the 2nd grade of US Public School. She does not get any math homework ;( I would really like to compliment the Common Core math education she is getting in school with the Singapore math. So far she had completed Frank Schaffer Workbooks on level 1A and B. She had been working independently, and I was trying to reach a goal of 6 pages / 4 days per week. Based on my research, I am planning to switch her to Singapore Math, US Edition, published by Marshall-Cavendish.

Do you think it is a good approach to provide a supplemental math education like this? Are these workbooks ok for kids to work independently, considering she is getting the core concepts in school? What is a reasonable pace for a child this age? My daughter has great analytical skills, but she does not enjoy math at all and resist our attempts to practice mental math with her (despite having an engineer mom and physics professor dad ? She does enjoy working in the self-study workbooks, so I thought that could be a solution, if the books are ok for her to work on her own.

I use Singapore for K, but am considering a change because I feel uncomfortable teaching math differently from the traditional way. I was leaning toward BJU math. Do you have any info on BJU math? Do you feel it is on grade level?

Thanks for the thorough review. Wondering what math recommendations you have for grades 7-12. It looks as though Singapore does not offer curriculum for the those upper grades. Do you have an opinion on what would be good to transition to?

Hello Kate, I am so happy I have found you. I need some help. Last year was my 1st year homeschooling. We survived! I have a 6th Grader, 3rd Grader, and a 4th grader. Here goes: We chose Singapore because the private school we pulled them from used Singapore. We chose Standard Edition because I am not a math fan/I needed extra support. My 6th grader was unable to complete the curriculum (5th Grade Math) we made it to the end of the 1st quarter around the end of November and realized we needed a tutor (New homeschooling mommy teaching a classical curriculum and math was a little overwhelming). Anyway, bottom line is we have just gotten to the end of 3rd quarter this summer. We use the tests for the curriculum as well. To me this seems to take a day away each week. I am in the same situation with the 4th grader (3rd Grade Math). My 3rd grader (1st and 2nd Grade Math) flew through the curriculum.I guess my question is: Is it really possible to complete the curriculum (textbook, workbook, test) in its entirety in a 9 month school year? Or should we anticipate on doing math year round with Singapore?I was thinking after reading your comments above that we may need to go year round and use 6th grade as a gap/catch up year if needed, completing what we can of the 6th grade review curriculum and moving on to PreAlgebra. What are your thoughts on skipping the last quarter or selecting chapters/units not to teach? I am thinking that it would be better to just let them finish when they finish and keep going.Your Math Challenged Homeschooling Mom,Angelia

I have started supplementing the math that my son does in public school (3rd grade this year) with the Singapore math challenge workbook. This book was published by Frank Schaffer Publications, and says on the cover that it is correlated to the common core state standards. From reading your article and questions, I have realized that this book is not part of the official Singapore math curriculum, since it has a different publisher. Would you happen to know, how this workbook compares to the Singapore math intensive practice workbooks? Thanks very much for your help.

Thanks very much for your prompt reply. Yes, the Math challenge books are certainly teaching us to look at math differently from what we were used to. Some of the problems are a little ambiguous and need to be more clearly stated to get the answer in the back of the book. Some of the problems actually seem like simpler versions of the Math Olympiad problems my older son does. Thanks very much!

I would not live without , you helped me earlier.This time for my little one who is going to pre-k but still doensot know his numbers. Also my elder would be going to 2nd grade advanced math. What should i be getting for them.Thank You !

Thank You . We have been using the singapore math books earlier and he is good with addition, subtraction a little of multiplication and little division. I would like to continue the singapore math books. What would be good for him.Thank You !

How do you know if a mastery based curriculum like Singapore is the best choice or a more traditional curriculum like Rod and Staff or Horizons? Older son is a kinesthetic learner and going into 6th. Younger son is visual learner and has been doing the same math as his older brother. A friend recommended using 2 different curriculums. Their homeschool evaluator suggested Horizon Math. What do you recommend for 2 different learning styles?

This is a great website. My daughter goes to school and she is in six grade. She has a language disability and is having trouble with math word problems. How can Singapore Math help without confusing her with the method they teach in school?

Based on your advice I went with standard editions. It worked out great for me than the dimensions curriculum as Iam not that good in teaching without help. Thank you so much for your input. Please suggest me a math curriculum for middle schooler. Next year I am looking for math curriculum for 6th grader. Is primary maths standard edition ok for middle school or do you suggest any other edition or curriculum.

Hi, I am considering switching my kids from Right Start to Singapore. Do you have any knowledge of the Singapore Math Live website? Also, I have an almost 11 year old finishing up Right Start level E 2nd ed. and am wondering if I should continue with Right Start or change to something else like Singapore. We have not been doing many of the games recommended and I feel that there is too little practice for the concepts being taught. However, I felt this way in the past only to get to the next level of Right Start and the concepts are covered again and a little deeper. This year he has struggled more with not really understanding some things and the progam just moves on and that is that. Any thoughts would be helpful. I already have Singapore 2A materials and I really like it. I am considering switching my daughter to 2A from Right Start C. She loves writing and using the workbook. I think my 11 year old might do better actually seeing pictures of what he is doing before he does it if that makes any sense but he is almost finished with Right Start at this point. I am worried that he might not be where he should be. So sorry for such a confusing mess of questions! Thanks!

Thank you Kate for your response! I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I am having some anxiety over switching math from Right Start. I love how scripted Righ Start is and I worry Singapore might not give as much direction. So much to think about! Thanks again!Rebecca

At Singapore Math Learning Center, we provide online tutoring and online courses to those who are using any Singapore Math curriculums or who are interested in the Singapore Math method. For a free math assessment, please contact us.

The right math method has to fit with an overall schooling strategy and goals, but even more importantly has to teach math in a way that fits with how a child learns best, preventing them from becoming overly anxious, bored, or frustrated by math.

Both Saxon Math and Singapore Math have been around, in some form, since the early 1980s, which means that they are both fairly well-established math curricula with pretty long track records behind them.

Interestingly, and perhaps very relatably to many parents, despite their differences both programs were created in response to a changing educational and social environment, and the general dissatisfaction their creators had with math results among students at the time.

With the new push to team-based projects and creative explorations in math, Saxon felt that students would be better served by an approach that breaks concepts down and offers lots of drill and practice for students to gain fluency.

Singapore schools soon shot to the top of international ranking, and in 1998 Singapore Math (the company) and Marshall Cavendish translated, adapted and subsequently introduced the curriculum to the US market, where it has found widespread success. 041b061a72


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