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Ezekiel White
Ezekiel White

AutoHeader WordPress Plugin

Utilizo K2, y con la actualización de Wordpres 2.2 necesita de un plugin que desactive los Widgets, pero dicho plugin entra en conflicto con AutoHeader y muestra una página en blanco. Hay forma de solucionar eso? La verdad es que me da mucha pena tener que utilizar muchos plugins que realicen las tareas de AutoHeader(peor), y espero que no sea la única solución.Un saludo!

AutoHeader WordPress Plugin

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Re-buenas!Otra cosa que daría mucho más juego a AutoHeader creo que sería hacerlo compatible con el plugin Simple Tagging , ya que, en mi opinión, creo que resulta bastante más cómodo que el UTW.Saludos.

Si la gente contrata dominios, servidores, sube cosas por FTP poniendo usuario y contraseña y edita el archivo config. php para adecuarlo a su base de datos, creo que se tienen los conocimientos suficientes para editar la etiqueta title.Wp-caché creo que es una herramienta necesaria para muchas personas y que autoheader no sea compatible con ella es muy probable que eche para atrás a bastantes personas que tuvieran intenciones de usar tu plugin.

No, no importa para nada donde estén las etiquetas metas siempre y cuando estén dentro de las etiquetas head. Lo que si te recomiendo para sacarle más jugo al plugin es que rellenes las descripciones de cada categoría dentro del panel del WordPress para obtener metas descriptions más precisas.

Solo estoy confundido si realmente estare usando tu plugin o no, ya que yo tengo un template de un buen companero berri-ingonza-theme-sp que tambien lo hizo optimizado para SEO, pero no se si esto este interfiriendo con el tuyo o simplemente el tuyo no se esté usando, si necesitas que te mande el Header.php de ese template te lo mando, si necesitas el plugin o algo, el template es fabuloso.

Tu plugin es un exito, y si ese theme me gusto necesitas algo avisame, pero yo no se casi de plugins, ni mucho de wordpress, solo estoy utilizando las herramientas de ustedes.Gracias por todo y saludos, si alguien quiere ver referencias de lo bueno que esta tu plugin que lea mis comentarios.

excelente plugin, lo he usado desde mis comienzo como blogger y hasta hace unos días tuve problemas al actualizar mi blog a la versión 2.7, pero ahora todo esta normal con esta actualización que le ha realizado al autoheader.

Genial plugin, desde que lo probe lo uso en todos mis blogs. Solo hay una cosa que me gustaria cambiar, es posible poner una metadescription para el home diferente de la descripcion breve que aparece tambien en el titulo?La extension del titulo debería ser mas corta que la de la descripcion del blog en mi opinión.Saludos!

La verdad que el plugin me gustó más que All in Seo porque exceptuando la tag canonical (que se puede poner manualmente) completa más opciones y parece ser más inteligente. Sin embargo es incompatible con WP Super-Caché y eso es una lástima porque (en mi caso) o funciona uno o el otro pero NO ambos juntos, y super caché es indispensable hoy en día.Amigo, ojalá algún dia pulas este par de detalles: El asunto pintaba MUY bien.Gracias por tu trabajo!

Want to display a custom header template only on the homepage or on the blog archive page or on the entire website? Well, this plugin allows choosing a specific target location to display header and footer on.

The Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin just gives you a container where you can completely design the header using Elementor Page Builder, So the process of creating the mobile responsive layout is exactly the same as you would create a responsive layout of your other Elementor page.

3. Upgrade or Change Your Theme Without Worry: The plugin will save your header and footer code in a separate place, so you can update or change your theme without worrying about the code being erased.

Our plugin is not for metadata, it is mainly for code to add things like Google Analytics tracking or for verification codes. If you want a plugin for adding metadata to individual posts, we would recommend taking a look at All in One SEO as that will give you far better control over your metadata

This plugin is for adding code such as scripts into the header, not for adding buttons. For an easy way to customize your design, you would want to take a look at page builders like the ones in our article below:

The 2021 theme does have a header but, the Insert Headers and Footers plugin is for inserting code such as Google Analytics, not for adding photos to the header of your website. We would not recommend using this plugin for adding a header image as that would cause the errors you are running into.

Hi, I have installed the Headers and Footers plugin and added code for the footer. The text that I want displayed is at the very bottom, below the Bento copyright line. Is there a way to have my footer appear at the top of the footer display? Thanks

It sounds like your site is on, in which case you are limited to what allows. Our guides are for sites, you can see a comparison between the two here: -guide/self-hosted-wordpress-org-vs-free-wordpress-com-infograph/

Thanks guys for your plugin! I used it to add FB Pixel to my site, but now I have a landing page and I need a different Pixel event (Lead) on the Thank You page after visitors confirm their details. Can I use the plugin to add the script to a specific page?

That would be because you are on, our tutorials are for sites. You can see the difference between the two here: -guide/self-hosted-wordpress-org-vs-free-wordpress-com-infograph/

eStore is a popular WordPress theme for all kinds of online shops. Deep integrations with WooCommerce and YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin makes it one of the best WooCommerce theme of all time. Further, it has an awesome slider to display your products beautifully to attract more customers.

Likewise, the theme is regularly updated, extendable with add-on plugins. You can even import any of the high-quality website designs, letting you transform your website at the click of a button. Moreover, the size of this theme is less than 50KB, which makes it super fast, claiming that it loads in just 0.5 seconds.

Additionally, this slider theme is compatible with WooCommerce and Elementor and helps you to create websites in minutes. Moreover, the theme is translation ready, compatible with major WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO, WPForms.

Apart from that, it seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce. And, you can even use WooCommerce product sliders to display your products beautifully for your online shop. Further, the theme also works well with page builder plugins.

Go to Plugins > Add New. From there, you can install new WordPress plugins by searching the repository or by uploading the plugin files. In the search bar, type Insert Headers and Footers.

Woody Code Snippets will make your life so much easier. The plugin helps to create and store code snippets or duplicated text in a special library at the admin bar of your website. Use the shortcode to add a snippet anywhere on your website. Or do it automatically, for example: head, footer and post injections. You can show or hide code snippets using conditional logic.

We are very need for your help with translating Woody Code Snippets plugin into your native language. We want to make it international and understandable for everyone. Please contact us via email inside the plugin, or create a topic on our support forum if you can help with the translations. In exchange for your help, we will give you better support and our premium plugins absolutely free!

60% users have already downloaded 2.x.x version. We are trying to reach the number of 80%. The deadline for support is scheduled for March 1, 2019.You can download the old plugin version from here.

You have to delete the folder with the plugin, which is located here: wp-content/plugins/insert-phpThis will not clear the plugin data from the database. You have to remove the plugin through the admin panel with the Full Uninstall option enabled in order to completely clear the plugin data.

Attention! This new 2.0 plugin version, we added the ability to insert php code using snippets. This is a more convenient and secure way than using shortcodes [insert_php] code execute [/ insert_php]. However, for compatibility reasons, we left support for [insert_php] shortcodes, but we will depreciate them in the next versions of the plugin.

You need to ensure that you do not have a plugin that is creating body elements in your section. Go through your head section and if you see code that belongs to the body section, check for the plugins that you had installed when adding your favicon to your WordPress site. Go ahead and deactivate or even uninstall it.

The table plugin adds table management functionality to TinyMCE. It also adds a new menubar item Table with various options in its dropdown including Insert table and options to modify cells, rows and columns, and a toolbar button with the same functionality.

If you want to import the demo content the old-fashioned way, you can get a fresh copy of the XML file on our server at this URL: -exports/auto-latest.xml. Don't forget to activate all required plugins before importing demo data. To import the demo data go to Tools Import, click on WordPress (install the WordPress Importer plugin if not already installed) and upload/import the previously saved xml file (don't forget to enable the Download and import file attachments checkbox to also import the images).

Demo WidgetsAfter you import the demo content, you can also import widgets the old-fashioned way. The file for widget import is also located on our server: -widgets/auto.json. Rename this file to auto.wie (mind the file extension) and use it in the plugin Widget Importer & Exporter. Go to Tools Widget Import/Export and import the file.


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